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Database of stolen bicycles.

Here you see bikes, which are on the wanted list.

If you come from a search-engine like 'google', and you are looking for a specific bike, possibly you have to repeat your search on this website. Because it can be, that the search-engine has scanned this page some days ago, and has found the search item on this page, but today the wanted bike has slipped backwards.

Date of
City Text Page 1
26.07.2024 Hamburg

Kind of bike: Damenrad (28")
Where was it stolen: Hamburg
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 21. 07. 2024 und 22. 07.2024, 16:00 und 15:00 Uhr
Color: Rot
Number of bicycle frame: SA08624907
Manufacturer/type: Pegasus SL Premio
Other characteristics: Nabendynamo Alurahmen 28 Zoll 50 cm Rahmenhöhe 8 Gang Nabenschaltung 8 Gang 3 Bremsen Nabendynamo LED Beleuchtung Federgabel Sattelrohr gefedert Roter Sattelschutz, Gel Sattel Schwarzer Fahrradkorb
Theft protection: Mit einem Gliederkettenschloss Voderrad und Rahmen an einen Fahrradträger angeschlossen.
msg to the legal owner

26.07.2024 Meckenheim

Kind of bike: Trekking 28
Where was it stolen: Meckenheim
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 23. 07. 2024 ab 22h
Color: dunkel blau
Number of bicycle frame: PK023724
Manufacturer/type: VSF Fahrrad Manufaktur T700
Other characteristics: Lenker Hörnchen GP5
Pletscher Sattel Silber
Weißer Fahrrad Korb
Schmaler Sattel links und rechts senkrecht gerissem
Theft protection: nein
msg to the legal owner

26.07.2024 Dorsten

Kind of bike: E-­Bike Herren 26er
Where was it stolen: Dorsten
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 24. 7.24
Color: Creme
Number of bicycle frame: J2312240770
Manufacturer/type: Sachsenrad
Other characteristics: Riemenantrieb brauner Sattel braune Griffe schwarzbraune Mäntel
Theft protection: Rad war im eigenen Garten angeschlossen Gartentor zu
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26.07.2024 Elmshorn

Kind of bike: Trapezrahmen 28
Where was it stolen: Elmshorn
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 04. 07. 24
Color: schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: IESUNN10300345
Manufacturer/type: HERKELMANN
Other characteristics: Hinten und Vorne Reisegepäckträger, Trinkflaschenhalter, Nabenschaltung ALFINE 11
Theft protection: Flexibles ABUS Schlüsselschloss
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26.07.2024 Riga

Kind of bike: CUBE mountain bike (29")
Where was it stolen: Riga
Country: Latvia
When was it stolen: 17, 07, 2024, between 3 a. m and 7 a.m.
Color: white
Number of bicycle frame: WOW20808KH1014M
Manufacturer/type: CUBE Attention
Other characteristics: 30 gears, mudguards
Theft protection: Locked with U-­­type locker, stored in the locked bicycle parking
msg to the legal owner

25.07.2024 Karlsruhe (Ne­u­r­e­u­t­)

Kind of bike: Mountainbike Herren
Where was it stolen: Karlsruhe (Neureut)
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: Am 23. 07.24 zwischen 7. 00 - 14.00 Uhr
Color: Rot
Number of bicycle frame: unbekannt
Manufacturer/type: ???ss
Other characteristics: Gang-­Shimano-­Kettenschaltung, Angeklemtes Vorderlicht, Getränke-­Halterung am Rahmen.
Theft protection: Das Rad war mit einem Schloss gesichert.

Schloss an Rahmen verbunden mit einem feststehenden Metallzaun
msg to the legal owner

25.07.2024 Kiel

Kind of bike: Herrenrad (28")
Where was it stolen: Kiel
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 18. -­19. Juli 2024
Color: Grau
Number of bicycle frame: LY06087020
Manufacturer/type: Kyle
Other characteristics: 30-­Gang-­Shimano-­Kettenschaltung, gefederte Sattelstütze NCX
Theft protection: Mit Abus-­­Faltschloss an festen Stahl-­­Fahrradbügel
msg to the legal owner

24.07.2024 Dortmund

Kind of bike: Fahrrad/­Citybike 28"
Where was it stolen: Dortmund
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 20. 07. 2024 - 24. 07.2024
Color: dunkelgrau/­blaue Schrift und Elemente
Number of bicycle frame: NZTCN05220618
Manufacturer/type: Adler/­Verona Nexus Trapez
Other characteristics:
Theft protection: Das Rad war mit einem Abhus-­­Schloss am Rahmen an einem Fahrradständer gesichert.
msg to the legal owner

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