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Welcome to our homepage ""
Database of stolen bikes, e-bikes, pedelecs
and whatever else has wheels and pedals.
The purpose of this website
We hope that this (and similar) sites on the internet will at some point become a nightmare for
thieves and all those who receive and dispose of stolen bicycles. At the moment 15899
stolen bikes have been registered on this website. We imagine that, if someday every stolen bike is registered on the
internet, it will no longer be worth the trouble to steal bikes. Dealing with or using stolen bikes
will be impossible. The stolen bike will get piping hot in the hand of the thief and soon be returned
to its legal owner.
That is why:
- if your bicycle is still unstolen, please write the frame-number down on a sheet of paper and
make a photo of your steely vehicle.
- if your bicycle is stolen yet, then register it here on this web page.
Everything on this side is for free. It is gratis to look through the register.
And it is free of costs to register a stolen bike.
We cover our Costs solely by advertisements. And this supplies our website to be free-of-charge.
It would be nice, if you give a little of your time to the advertisements. This will ultimately
be of benefit to all.
To kill two birds with one stone ...
Even if your bike is not stolen, this webside will be a wise reading.
Every article in the database contains useful informations about the anti-theft protection.
So it will advise you, what not will be enough. And everybody can bear the consequences
Maybe, that someday it will be the normal case to protect a bike with three bike locks. Two locks
to chain the wheels with the frame, and one to chain the frame e. g. with a lantern.
Our "Blog"
A good many times we decide that a stolen bicycle is registered here on this side at
twelve o'clock at night, or one, two, three o'clock in the early morning. This shows us,
that a theft of a bicycle does scar one very much. More than anyone thought as much. A
bike is not only a material object and a new one is readily available. No, a bicycle with
a valuably gearshift, a premium suspension and so on requires a lot of "cash on the
barrelhead". Maybe, for a good bike you have to work hard for a month or longer.
If I use a bike intensive by sports, it will advance my physical health. Therefor it's
due to my fitness. It accompanies me a long way. It escorts me to school, to courses of
studies, to my work and in my spare time. And when this fellow is stolen, you can't hide
your emotions. Therefor we extended this web side with a blog as a valve to limit pressure.
Search in the WWW with search engines
One, who intend to search for a stolen bike in the internet, fears (but its needless),
that a lot of work will come up to him. Because he goes on with the wrong system as follows:
- Fist, find out whitch internet sides show stolen bicycles.
- Than, gradually go and see, how the web side works.
- And if you you are sure, that you have found every possible web page, the true search
begins. Probably you have to search each with a big list of hits.
Probably this will take up to a day. It's an expenditure of time, that possibly someone will spend,
whose bike was stolen. He has the necessary motivation, because he is furious with the thief. A private buyer or at all an economical thinking bicycle dealer will never keep that expenditure.
Thank God! That's an absolut wrong approach. If I know a frame number, special features or
special codings of the police, then I can feed it in the input field of the search
engine directly.
The search engine will guide me direct to the corresponding web side. Because google and the
other search engines, like Yahoo, MSN,, and so on are permanent scanning
all pages in the internet. To our Pages, google comes several times a day.
From now on, this way of procedure has to get around, to all persons who buy up bicycles,
and all the stolen bikes must be registered in the internet. Because, if a dealer of
bicycles, permanent looks for stolen bikes in the internet by means of the frame number,
and never will get a hit, then, after a while, he will give up his searching.
Yet another tip to enter a frame number, a coding and so on in the search field of a search
engine. Enter such datas allways with apostrophe, because special characters like the
hyphen/minus, the search engine takes it not as a part of the data but as a command for
the search engine.
Open borders
All arround us we see open borders, that′s just why it′s not enough to search for a
stolen bike within national borders or at all within a local town.
Today, it won′t take much, to grab a bike, put it in a car and take it abroad.
That′s why this Homepage is not limited to the use for only one country, rather this
pages are made for multinational use.