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Database of stolen bicycles.

Here you see bikes, which are on the wanted list.

If you come from a search-engine like 'google', and you are looking for a specific bike, possibly you have to repeat your search on this website. Because it can be, that the search-engine has scanned this page some days ago, and has found the search item on this page, but today the wanted bike has slipped backwards.

Date of
City Text Page 66
16.12.2023 Hamburg

Kind of bike: Mountainbike E-­Bike
Where was it stolen: Hamburg
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 13. 12. 2023, zwischen 08:00 und 10:00 Uhr
Color: Grau-­blau
Number of bicycle frame: WSBC004218429P
Manufacturer/type: Specialized Levo SL Comp Carbon
Other characteristics:
Theft protection: Angeschlossen in Garage
msg to the legal owner

13.12.2023 Biblis

Kind of bike: Mountainbike, Herren
Where was it stolen: Biblis
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: zwischen 02. 11. und 05.11. 2023
Color: grün
Number of bicycle frame: YT50700205
Manufacturer/type: NAKITA
Other characteristics:
Theft protection: in Garage abgestellt
msg to the legal owner

13.12.2023 Biblis

Kind of bike: Pedelec, Herrenrad
Where was it stolen: Biblis
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: zwischen 02. 11. und 05.11. 2023
Color: schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: wOW45855PSGT
Manufacturer/type: Cube
Other characteristics:
Theft protection: in Garage abgestellt
msg to the legal owner

12.12.2023 Bonn Hauptbah­n­h­o­f­, Z­O­B­, h­i­n­t­e­r­ A­u­s­g­a­n­g­ U­-B­a­h­n

Kind of bike: Mountainbikebike (27, 5")
Where was it stolen: Bonn Hauptbahnhof, ZOB, hinter Ausgang U-­Bahn
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: zwischen 08. 12.23 (20:00) - 12. 12.23 (14:00)
Color: Schwarz mit grünen Streifen
Number of bicycle frame: unbekannt
Manufacturer/type: Cube
Other characteristics: 21-­Gang-­Shimano-­Kettenschaltung, LED-­Licht mit Gummihalterung, batteriebetrieben, lila Flaschenhalterung, abgebrochene Federungssperre
Theft protection: Zahlenschloss am Rahmen und Fahrradzaun
msg to the legal owner

11.12.2023 videoüberwac­h­t­e­r­ B­a­h­n­h­o­f­s­v­o­r­p­l­a­t­z­ i­n­ 3­9­2­8­8­ B­u­r­g

Kind of bike: Trekkingrad 28 Zoll, Trapezrahmen
Where was it stolen: videoüberwachter Bahnhofsvorplatz in 39288 Burg
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: zwischen 08. 12.2023 12:20 Uhr und 10. 12.2023 Uhr
Color: grau/­schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: AA90745828
Manufacturer/type: Pegasus Premio SL Belt 8
Other characteristics: 8-­Gang Nabenschaltung, Gates-­Riemenantrieb, Federgabel, gefederte Sattelstütze
Theft protection: Vorderrad+Rahmen mit einem Abus Bordo Alarm am Fahrradständer
msg to the legal owner

11.12.2023 Edekamarkt Köl­n­ D­ün­n­w­a­l­d

Kind of bike: Treckingrad (28")
Where was it stolen: Edekamarkt Köln Dünnwald
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 04. 12. 2023 16h
Color: matt schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: EA128045
Manufacturer/type: Velo de Vile
Other characteristics: Federgabel, extrem hoher Retro-­Vorbau(40cm), 21-Gang-Shimano-Kettenschaltung, gefederte Sattelstütze, keine Schutzbleche, kein Gepäckträger
Theft protection: Vorderrad an Fahrradständer, Panzerschloss
msg to the legal owner

10.12.2023 S-Bahn Statio­n­ S­c­h­l­a­c­h­t­e­n­s­e­e­ B­e­r­l­i­n

Kind of bike: Cube Aim SLX - 29" MTB Hardtrail 2023
Where was it stolen: S-­Bahn Station Schlachtensee Berlin
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 6. 12. 2023 - 23:00 - 9. 12.2023 -­6:20
Color: schwarz - graphite′n′metal
Number of bicycle frame: WOW48788XSAV
Manufacturer/type: unbekannt
Other characteristics: -­Klingel = Acid Alpha 22, 2mm black
-­Pedale = Cube ACID Pedale FLAT A4-IB Hybrid black
-­Gepäckträger = Cube Acid Gepäckträger SIC Rail 29" black
-­Schutzblech hinten = Cube ACID Schutzblech VANE PURE hinten 29 - black n gray
-­Schutzblech vorne = Cube ACID Schutzblech VANE vorne 29 - black n gray
-­Cube RFR Relektorset - Lenker und Sattelstütze
-­hydraulische Scheibenbremsen vorne und hinten - Shimano
-Halterung für Schloss im Rahmen montiert (Faltschloss)
Theft protection: Schloss umfasste den Fahrradständer und den Rahmen meines Rades. Keine Überreste mehr auffindbar.

Schloss. war ein ABUS Bordo Classic 5900/­­90 Faltschloss - Level 8
msg to the legal owner

06.12.2023 Göttingen

Kind of bike: mountain bike
Where was it stolen: Göttingen
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: Zwischen 02. 12.2023 und 04. 12.2023
Color: Orange
Number of bicycle frame: unknown
Manufacturer/type: Compel HT
Other characteristics: New bike with light white stains on the ^horizontal bar
Theft protection: I was locked with a single metal lock and had front and back removable lighters
msg to the legal owner

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