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Database of stolen bicycles.

Here you see bikes, which are on the wanted list.

If you come from a search-engine like 'google', and you are looking for a specific bike, possibly you have to repeat your search on this website. Because it can be, that the search-engine has scanned this page some days ago, and has found the search item on this page, but today the wanted bike has slipped backwards.

Date of
City Text Page 99
07.11.2023 NEUBURG AM IN­N

Kind of bike: E-­Bike
Where was it stolen: NEUBURG AM INN
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 27. 10. 2012, zwischen 16:00 und 18:30Uhr
Color: schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: WOW29675PSFT
Manufacturer/type: Cube Reaction Hybrid
Other characteristics: 21-­Gang-­Shimano-­Kettenschaltung, Dynamolicht, gefederte Sattelstütze
Theft protection: Rahmen/­­Laterne mit einer Kette und Vorhängeschloss.
msg to the legal owner

06.11.2023 Bijlokekaai 7­ 9­0­0­0­ G­e­n­t

Kind of bike: folding bike
Where was it stolen: Bijlokekaai 7 9000 Gent
Country: Belgium / Belgien
When was it stolen: 3-­11-­2023 - 21:00hrs
Color: racing green
Number of bicycle frame: Framenumber: 1101373, serialnumber 2309291006
Manufacturer/type: Brompton C-­Line Explore. 2-­speed
Other characteristics: Brompton C-­Line Explore. 2-­speed. color racing green. straight handlebar.
The bag adapter that is standard at the front side has been removed.
Framenumber: 1101373, serialnumber 2309291006
Theft protection: 2 chain locks
msg to the legal owner

05.11.2023 Ludwigshafen

Kind of bike: Kalkhoff Pedelec Image 5. B XXL
Where was it stolen: Ludwigshafen
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 05. 11. 2023, zwischen 01:50 und 02:00 Uhr
Color: schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: AV19632380
Manufacturer/type: Image 5. B XXL
Other characteristics: E-­Bike,
Theft protection: Das Rad war mit 2 Schlössern gesichert.
1. Rahmen mit einem Sicherheitsschloss am Zaun,
2. Hinterrad/­­Rahmen mit einem Bügelschloss,
msg to the legal owner

05.11.2023 Feldafing

Kind of bike: Damenrad MTB XS
Where was it stolen: Feldafing
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 27. 10. 2023
Color: graublau
Number of bicycle frame: A21AH7A360A
Manufacturer/type: Ghost
Other characteristics: montierter Gepäckträger
Theft protection: Im Fahrradständer am Bahnhof mit Schloss angesperrt
msg to the legal owner

05.11.2023 Chlodwigsplat­z­, A­l­t­s­t­a­d­t­ S­u­d­ - K­öl­n

Kind of bike: ebike
Where was it stolen: Chlodwigsplatz, Altstadt Sud - Köln
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 05. 11. 2023 between 12am - 8am
Color: Black
Number of bicycle frame: WRJ2CH2M3KD451300
Manufacturer/type: Reise and Müller
Other characteristics: NuVinci Gear Hub, Belt drive

nicht versicherert. ..
Theft protection: Locked with Bike lock
msg to the legal owner

04.11.2023 Dresden

Kind of bike: Herrenrad Diamant Elan Sport 28?€?
Where was it stolen: Dresden
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 27. 10. 2023, zwischen 10:00 und 21:45Uhr
Color: Anthrazit
Number of bicycle frame: WTU053C6225M
Manufacturer/type: Diamant Elan Sport
Other characteristics: 27-­Gang-­Shimano-­Kettenschaltung, Dynamolicht, Federgabel
Theft protection: 1. Faltschloß mit Code an Geländer
msg to the legal owner

02.11.2023 Göttingen

Kind of bike: MTB E-­Bike 29?€?
Where was it stolen: Göttingen
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 30. 10. 23, 18. 30 Uhr
Color: z. Schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: WOW13591PKKL
Manufacturer/type: Cube Reaction Hybrid Race
Other characteristics: Erhöhter Vorbau, Akku 500 Wh, Lichtanlage Busch Müller iq -­xs
Theft protection: Fest angeschlossen an einem Fahrradbügel mit Faltschloss
msg to the legal owner

02.11.2023 Berlin

Kind of bike: Mountainbike 26, Rahmenhöhe M
Where was it stolen: Berlin
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 31. 10. 23 ca. 11. 30uhr
Color: braun
Number of bicycle frame: 21202
Manufacturer/type: My Boo Bambusrad Daka
Other characteristics: 21-­Gang-­Shimano-­Kettenschaltung, Dynamolicht, gefederte Sattelstütze
Theft protection: War nicht gesichert, da auf gesicherter Baustelle entwendet wurde.
msg to the legal owner

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