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Database of stolen bicycles.

Here you see bikes, which are on the wanted list.

If you come from a search-engine like 'google', and you are looking for a specific bike, possibly you have to repeat your search on this website. Because it can be, that the search-engine has scanned this page some days ago, and has found the search item on this page, but today the wanted bike has slipped backwards.

Date of
City Text Page 270
09.02.2022 Dresden

Kind of bike: Herrenrad (28")
Where was it stolen: Dresden
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 05. 02. 2022, zwischen 18:30 Uhr
Color: Red/­Black
Number of bicycle frame: WBK456994N
Manufacturer/type: Bianchi / Oltre Xr3
Other characteristics: Oltre XR3 Ultegra 11v 52/­36
Theft protection: Rahmen/­­Laterne mit einer Kette und Vorhängeschloss.
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08.02.2022 Berlin

Kind of bike: Fixed Gear
Where was it stolen: Berlin
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 08. 02. 2022, between 4 and 8 p. m.
Color: Red
Number of bicycle frame:
Manufacturer/type: custom
Other characteristics: Mavic Disc wheels
BB7 Disc brake
Fizik saddle
BBL bullhorn lenker
Theft protection: It was locked with 3 bike locks.
Please describe in detail.
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08.02.2022 Reading, Broa­d­ S­t­r­e­e­t

Kind of bike: Brompton M6L
Where was it stolen: Reading, Broad Street
Country: United Kingdom
When was it stolen: 04. 02. 2022 between 1636 and 1644
Color: Green
Number of bicycle frame: 687805
Manufacturer/type: Brompton
Other characteristics: Bell with I (3 My Bike on right handlebar.
Upgraded Muller und Busch front light
several scratches to main frame
Theft protection: It was locked with a very basic cable lock.
:=(( I left the keys in the lock while I went in the shop for 7 minutes.
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07.02.2022 Im Stockhof,5­8­1­1­9­ H­a­g­e­n­,i­m­H­a­u­s­e­ v­ B­e­s­u­c­h­/N­a­c­h­b­a­r­n

Kind of bike: E-­Bike/ Pedelec
Where was it stolen: Im Stockhof, 58119 Hagen, imHause v Besuch/­Nachbarn
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 05. -­06. 02.2022 zwischen 20 und 9 Uhr
Color: Silber-­blau
Number of bicycle frame: WOW16952MSCM
Manufacturer/type: Cube Stereo Hybrid 160 Race
Other characteristics: Fully 18"
Reifengröße 27, 5"
Theft protection: Schloss um Rahmen und Hinterrad.
Das Rad hing im Keller unseres 3-­­Parteien-Hauses und wurde vom Nachbarn bzw dessen Besuch gestohlen.
Ohne Schlüssel, 2. Akku, Ladegerät und Codekarte!
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07.02.2022 Bremen

Kind of bike: Trekkingrad
Where was it stolen: Bremen
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 18. 10. 2021
Color: Schilfgrün
Number of bicycle frame: V39A019XXS
Manufacturer/type: Velotraum VT 300 XXS
Other characteristics: Shimano Deore XT Schaltung, inner-­bounds-Lenker-Hörnchen, verkürzte Tretkurbel.
Theft protection: Kettenschloss
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07.02.2022 Hamburg Ohlsd­o­r­f

Kind of bike: Herrenrad (28") Trekking Stahlrahmen
Where was it stolen: Hamburg Ohlsdorf
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 20. 02. 2022, zwischen 16:00 und 22:00 Uhr
Color: schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: TD0951100489
Manufacturer/type: TrengaDE BJ ca. 1997
Other characteristics: 21-­Gang-­Shimano STX-­Kettenschaltung, Nabendynamo, gefederte Sattelstütze Trinkflaschenhalter grün alu, Anhängerkupplung, Chinaglocke, angebrochene Kotflügel, Fahrradkorb,
Theft protection: Das Rad war mit 1 Schlösser gesichert.

RahmenFahrradbügel mit einer Abus-­­Kette
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06.02.2022 Münster

Kind of bike: Herrenrad Pedelec 28"
Where was it stolen: Münster
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 04. 02. 22 20:00 bis 06. 02.22 16:00
Color: Schwarz-­Blau
Number of bicycle frame: WOW59647KGKP
Manufacturer/type: Cube Touring Hybrid One
Other characteristics: Kettenschaltung, 9-­Gang, Bosch Active Line Plus
Theft protection: Das Rad stand in einem privaten Kellerraum, dessen Tür war mit Vorhängeschloss und Fahrradkettenschloss verriegelt.
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06.02.2022 Leipzig

Kind of bike: Treckingrad (28")
Where was it stolen: Leipzig
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: zwischen dem 2. und 5. Februar 2022
Color: schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: unbekannt
Manufacturer/type: Cube Travel Pro
Other characteristics: Rahmenform: Trapez
Rahmengröße: 50
ca. 6 jahre alt
neue Schutzbleche in mattschwarz
Theft protection: mit Ketten-­­Zahlenschloss um Rahmen und Hinterrad an einem Geländer angeschlossen
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