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Database of stolen bicycles.

Here you see bikes, which are on the wanted list.

If you come from a search-engine like 'google', and you are looking for a specific bike, possibly you have to repeat your search on this website. Because it can be, that the search-engine has scanned this page some days ago, and has found the search item on this page, but today the wanted bike has slipped backwards.

Date of
City Text Page 447
12.09.2020 Berlin, an de­r­ H­a­l­t­e­s­t­e­l­l­e­ S­ S­t­o­r­k­o­w­e­r­ S­t­r­.

Kind of bike: Herrenrad, Rahmenhöhe 60", Reifengröße 28&quo
Where was it stolen: Berlin, an der Haltestelle S Storkower Str.
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: vermutlich 12. 09.20, zwischen 13h und 19h
Color: hellgrau, grau
Number of bicycle frame: 92176
Manufacturer/type: Dynamics Magic Tour
Other characteristics: 24 Gänge, neu, gekauft im April 2020, Citybike
Theft protection: Das Rad war mit einem Kettenschloss von Abus (Artikelnummer 246074) an einen Stahl-­­Fahrradständer nahe der Haltestelle Storkower Straße angeschlossen.
msg to the legal owner

12.09.2020 Berlin

Kind of bike: Riverside 500 Blue
Where was it stolen: Berlin
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 12. 09. 2020 between 3 am and 6 am
Color: Blue
Number of bicycle frame: 000000867968
Manufacturer/type: Riverside 500 Blue
Other characteristics:
Theft protection: It was locked with a blue chain lock.
msg to the legal owner

12.09.2020 Karlsfeld

Kind of bike: Herren Mountainbike 29â€Å“
Where was it stolen: Karlsfeld
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 11. 09. 2020 zwischen 19:00 und 20:45 Uhr
Color: Grau schwarz orange
Number of bicycle frame: SN AS60729216
Manufacturer/type: Scott Aspect 910 MTB 29â€Å“
Other characteristics: 27 Gang Shimano
Theft protection: Das Rad war mit einem Kabelnummernschloss gesichert.
msg to the legal owner

12.09.2020 Aachen

Kind of bike: Pedelec 28""
Where was it stolen: Aachen
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 11. 09. 2020, zwischen 19. 30 und 23.00 Uhr
Color: Rot
Number of bicycle frame: AMP20597R
Manufacturer/type: Ampler
Other characteristics: LED Licht
Theft protection: Das Rad war mit Faltscgloss am Bügel gesichert
msg to the legal owner

11.09.2020 Konigswiesenw­e­g­, R­e­g­e­n­s­b­u­r­g

Kind of bike: mountain bike (28")
Where was it stolen: Konigswiesenweg, Regensburg
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 05. 09. 2020
Color: Grey Pink
Number of bicycle frame: AA90211266
Manufacturer/type: Bulls Racer Street Mountain Bike
Other characteristics: 21 gears
Theft protection: It was locked to a pole outside my house
msg to the legal owner

11.09.2020 Stuttgart

Kind of bike: Herrenrad (28")
Where was it stolen: Stuttgart
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 10. 09. 2020, zwischen 21:00 und 05:00 Uhr
Color: schwarz/­weiß/­blau
Number of bicycle frame: WOW6491PKKL
Manufacturer/type: Cube Reaction Hybrid HPA Pro
Other characteristics: 21-­Gang-­Shimano-­Kettenschaltung, Dynamolicht, gefederte Sattelstütze
Theft protection: Das Rad war Im Hinterhof mit 2 Schlössern gesichert.
msg to the legal owner

11.09.2020 Stuttgart

Kind of bike: Herrenrad (28")
Where was it stolen: Stuttgart
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 10. 09. 2020, zwischen 21:00 und 05:00 Uhr
Color: schwarz/­weiß/­blau
Number of bicycle frame: WOW6491PKKL
Manufacturer/type: Cube Reaction Hybrid HPA Pro
Other characteristics: 21-­Gang-­Shimano-­Kettenschaltung, Dynamolicht, gefederte Sattelstütze
Theft protection: Das Rad war Im Hinterhof mit 2 Schlössern gesichert.
msg to the legal owner

11.09.2020 Stuttgart

Kind of bike: E-­Bike MTB 29â€â„¢
Where was it stolen: Stuttgart
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 10-­11. 9. Nachts
Color: schwarz/ blau
Number of bicycle frame:
Manufacturer/type: CUBE REACTION HYBRID
Other characteristics: E-­Bike, Goldene Klingel, Kindersitz, Ergon Handgriffe, weißer Kratzer am Steuer Rohr vorne
Theft protection: Schloß durch Vorderrad und Rahmen an Treppengeländer (Stahl)
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