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Database of stolen bicycles.

Here you see bikes, which are on the wanted list.

If you come from a search-engine like 'google', and you are looking for a specific bike, possibly you have to repeat your search on this website. Because it can be, that the search-engine has scanned this page some days ago, and has found the search item on this page, but today the wanted bike has slipped backwards.

Date of
City Text Page 475
12.05.2020 Bad Schönbor­n

Kind of bike: Folding Bike
Where was it stolen: Bad Schönborn
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 17. 03. 2020, between 17:55 to 22:55 hours
Color: Bluish Grey
Number of bicycle frame: 2379503
Manufacturer/type: Decathlon
Other characteristics: It has 5 gears and had a mobile holder attached to it during the theft.
Theft protection: It was locked with one bike lock which was found to be broken at the place of theft.
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12.05.2020 Herzogenrath, K­o­h­l­s­c­h­e­i­d

Kind of bike: Mountainbike Full Suspension (27, 5")
Where was it stolen: Herzogenrath, Kohlscheid
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 08. 05. 2020, zwischen 21:00 und 15:00 Uhr
Color: schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: WOW00319LSAN
Manufacturer/type: Radon Slide Carbon 160 9. 0 HD
Other characteristics: Carbonrahmen, Federgabel und Federelement von Rockshox, Remote Sattelstütze, Satteltasche
Theft protection: Das Rad war in einer anbgeschlossenen Garage gesichert.
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11.05.2020 Calw-Heumaden

Kind of bike: Damenrad MTB
Where was it stolen: Calw-­Heumaden
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 11. 05. 2020, zwischen 05:30 und 06:30 Uhr
Color: weiss mit Schriftzug "ROTWILD"
Number of bicycle frame: C1 H9C 14S 094
Manufacturer/type: ROTWILD
Other characteristics: DT Swiss Felgen, C1 Schriftzug auf dem Rahmen
Theft protection: Fahrrad stand in meiner Garage
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10.05.2020 Büsum

Kind of bike: Damenrad (28")
Where was it stolen: Büsum
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 5. 5 bis 10. 5
Color: Silber
Number of bicycle frame:
Other characteristics: Kein Rücklicht, 3 Gänge, Dynamo
Theft protection: Am Rahmen, an einer Fahrradständer mit einem kettenschloss angeschlossen
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10.05.2020 Essen Friedri­c­h­s­t­r­a­s­s­e­ 1­ T­i­e­f­g­a­r­a­g­e

Kind of bike: Mountainbike Canyon Grand Canyon AL SLX 8. 0
Where was it stolen: Essen Friedrichstrasse 1 Tiefgarage
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 06. 05. 16:15 Uhr
Color: lime margarita (grün/­neongrün)
Number of bicycle frame: M4818B17A1397
Manufacturer/type: Canyon Grand Canyon AL SLX 8. 0
Other characteristics:
Theft protection: Das Rad war mit einem schwerem Kettenschloss von Abus gesichert um Hinterreifen und Rahmen
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10.05.2020 Villingen-Sch­w­e­n­n­i­n­g­e­n

Kind of bike: Mountainbike Cube Attention 29‘‘
Where was it stolen: Villingen-­Schwenningen
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: In der Nacht vom 27. 04.20 auf den 28.04. 20
Color: Schwarz/­Grau/Blau
Number of bicycle frame: W0W00237KV1214M
Manufacturer/type: Cube Attention
Other characteristics: Gepäckträger, Schutzbleche, Fahrradständer, grüner Lichthalter
Theft protection: rotes Zahlenschloss von Abus, mit anderem Fahrrad und dessen Fahrradschloss verschlossen
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10.05.2020 Hamburg

Kind of bike: Rondeneur
Where was it stolen: Hamburg
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: Zwischen 7. 5.20 / 20 Uhr und 8. 5.20 / 12 Uhr
Color: Petrol
Number of bicycle frame: AR907560
Manufacturer/type: Rose
Other characteristics: Auffällige Farbe Petrol, weißer Getränkehalter, Rennradlenker, Gepäckträger, Licht
Theft protection: Das Rad war im privaten Keller mit einem Kryptonit 10 Schloss gesichert.
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09.05.2020 Bonn, NRW

Kind of bike: Mountain Bike (29")
Where was it stolen: Bonn, NRW
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: Between 07/­05/2020 and 09/­05/2020
Color: Black
Number of bicycle frame: AG08175856 VX
Manufacturer/type: Votec VX Pro Eagle
Other characteristics: Rear derailleur SRAM X01 EAGLE 12s
cassette SRAM XG-­1275 10-50t
Theft protection: The bike was inside the Keller. The Keller was locked but the thief forced open it.
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