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Database of stolen bicycles.

Here you see bikes, which are on the wanted list.

If you come from a search-engine like 'google', and you are looking for a specific bike, possibly you have to repeat your search on this website. Because it can be, that the search-engine has scanned this page some days ago, and has found the search item on this page, but today the wanted bike has slipped backwards.

Date of
City Text Page 683
16.01.2019 Rodgau

Kind of bike: Moutain bike 29"
Where was it stolen: Rodgau
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 15 / 16. 1.2019
Color: weiß grün
Number of bicycle frame: WOW77591ACLN
Manufacturer/type: Cube 18 Access WS EAZ 29â€Å“ 19 white´n green
Other characteristics: Mountainbike mit Steckschutzblechen
Theft protection: Das Rad stand im gesicherten Hof und war mit einem Abus Glieder Zahlenschloss um den Rahmen gesichert
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15.01.2019 Aachen (RWTH I­n­f­o­r­m­a­t­i­k­z­e­n­t­r­u­m­)

Kind of bike: Trekkingrad (28")
Where was it stolen: Aachen (RWTH Informatikzentrum)
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 15. 01. 2019, zwischen 13:10 und 16:15 Uhr
Color: schwarz mit blauen und weißen Akzenten
Number of bicycle frame: AA30293638
Manufacturer/type: Bulls Street Flyer
Other characteristics: Die originalen Bremsen wurden gegen Clarks M2 ausgetauscht (zu erkennen an roten Schrauben an den Bremssätteln)
Theft protection: Das Rad war mit einem Abus Faltschloss an einem Fahrradbügel gesichert
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15.01.2019 RWTH Physikze­n­t­r­u­m

Kind of bike: Trecking 28 Kona Dew Deluxe
Where was it stolen: RWTH Physikzentrum
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 06. 12. 2018
Color: dark blue
Number of bicycle frame: 1801
Manufacturer/type: Kona
Other characteristics: Frame size: 52
27 gears
Theft protection: It was locked to Abus chain lock.
The lock was broken and left at the crime scene.
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15.01.2019 Bad Doberan

Kind of bike: Raleigh Leeds Pedelec Impulse 50cm
Where was it stolen: Bad Doberan
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 14. 01. 2018
Color: Schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: AV15206718
Manufacturer/type: Raleigh Leeds Pedelec Impulse
Other characteristics:
Theft protection: Verschlossener Keller
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15.01.2019 Bad Doberan

Kind of bike: Raleigh Leeds Pedelec Impulse 50cm
Where was it stolen: Bad Doberan
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 14. 01. 2018
Color: Schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: AV15206718
Manufacturer/type: Raleigh Leeds Pedelec Impulse
Other characteristics:
Theft protection: Verschlossener Keller
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15.01.2019 RWTH Aachen

Kind of bike: Damen MTB 27, 5 Zoll
Where was it stolen: RWTH Aachen
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 15. 01. 2019 Zwischen 10 und 15 Uhr
Color: Grau Türkis
Number of bicycle frame: unbekannt
Manufacturer/type: Steppenwolf Tayma
Other characteristics: Abus Schloss am Rahmen
Theft protection: Rahmen mit Zollstockschloss ansgeschlossen
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15.01.2019 99734 Nordhau­s­e­n

Kind of bike: Herren-­Crossrad (28")
Where was it stolen: 99734 Nordhausen
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: November Dezember 2018
Color: schwarz
Number of bicycle frame: AA01168909
Manufacturer/type: Bulls Cross-­Mover 11
Other characteristics:
Theft protection: Fahrradschloß und Vorhängeschloß
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14.01.2019 Studiobad Bre­m­e­n

Kind of bike: Mountainbike 29zoll
Where was it stolen: Studiobad Bremen
Country: Germany / Deutschland
When was it stolen: 14. 01. 2019 zw. 19:06-­22:13
Color: Neongrün/­Schwart
Number of bicycle frame: wird nachgetragen
Manufacturer/type: Cube
Other characteristics: 28-­Gang-­Shimano-­Kettenschaltung, gefederte Sattelstütze
Theft protection: Rahmen/­­Gelände mit einem Kettenschloss
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